the 80/20 rule of relationships…

hey ubf clan…walk with me for a minute…let’s say you meet that special someone and everything seems perfect…her hair always smells like sweet lavender and jasmine…she never says anything extremely stupid…and she knows that every nfl sunday is a mini holiday…

then one day you start to notice little chinks in the relationship armor…you realize she doesn’t brush her teeth before attempting to talk to you in the morning…she only watches tv shows that have oprah winfrey or chicks that over index in drama, and she has a stringent no “mic time” on school nights rule…

well you, my friend have just entered that 81st percent…and that additional percentage point immediately causes you to call everything into question…

the 80/20 rule concept was made ultra famous by one of those tyler perry movies (the rule and the movie are probably more famous than they should be), which of course meant we had to latch on with both hands and feet…and of course it seemed really logical until that morning you woke up and realized that you were missing 20% of the ish you really wanted…

i for one, believe that the 80/20 rule was only brought about to give girlfriends and wives  the option to slack on the things they didn’t want to do and then blame us for expecting too much…

let’s be honest…in what other area of life is 80% ok…would you ever walk out of bebe with 80% of a dress, leave the grocery store with 80% of your honey nut cheerios or roll out of the beauty salon with 20% of your hairs unwashed and unset…

furthermore what if you were only the recipient of golden corral dinners 1 – 8 and then some other chick rolled in to claim those final 2 tasty buffets…or what if he gave you 80% of an engagement ring and had you walking around with a diamond solitaire energy ring…or god forbid you were only getting the ding ding 8 out of every 10 times it was used…which,i guess actually is forbidden if you’re married…but let’s not get caught up in semantics right now…

as has been discussed several times in our little circle of trust, our minds are simple…if you want 100% of his attention, you better be the most entertaining option 100% of the time…when that’s not the case, a lot of us won’t just trade in what we have to go find the entire package…we’ll just go out to magic city mondays and locate the pieces we think we’re missing and add them to the pot…and then forget to erase the incriminating text messages…

please don’t think that i am at all claiming that we continuously give you ladies 100% of what you’re asking for either, but, for some reason, you always reserve the right to point out when your expectations aren’t being met without being labeled as ungrateful or greedy…

to me it seems fairly simple…if you give/are 80%, you can’t expect to get more than 80% in return…you also can’t expect the other person to just happily live life sans that missing 20%…if they’re smart, they’ll just let you know that you didn’t meet the percentage requirements…but if they aren’t…


elrock aka mr 20%…


About usbottlesandfriends
The tales of unpredictable truths from those guys your mom warned you about.

One Response to the 80/20 rule of relationships…

  1. mboogie says:

    and herein lies the recipe for a successful relationship and marriage: to always give 100%. Or at least attempt to strive to always be in that top percentile but at the very least: never be satisfied w/ giving 80% or 70% or whatever else lazy folk wanna do…

    b/c at the end of the day: the winners never make it by half steppin it…

    go hard or go home team…

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